AvenueE Community College Application Process

Application for Fall 2025 admits opens in April 

If you plan to enroll at UC Davis as an engineering major in Fall 2025, apply to AvenueE by May 18, 2025. You will receive an invitation and application link in your MyAdmissions portal upon admission to UC Davis.

No need to wait. Join us and start your AvenueE journey while at community college!


To participate in AvenueE while at community college:
  1. Students must be enrolled at one of four community college district partners: Los RiosPeraltaSan Joaquin Delta, or Contra Costa. If your community college district is not listed, we encourage you to apply to receive the benefits our program offers.
  2. Desire to transfer to UC Davis
  3. Intend to major in Engineering or Computer Science
  4. Maintain good academic standing
Soon you will be on your way to connecting with peers, participating in activities, and setting yourself up for future success!

Start your AvenueE journey while at community college by completing the steps below.  

Soon you will be on your way to connecting with peers, participating in activities, and setting yourself up for future success!

To participate in AvenueE while at community college:
  1. Students must be enrolled at one of four community college district partners: Los RiosPeraltaSan Joaquin Delta, or Contra Costa.
  2. Desire to transfer to UC Davis
  3. Intend to major in Engineering or Computer Science
  4. Maintain good academic standing


Complete Now

Step 1: Interest Form

Interested in learning more about AvenueE? Submit an interest form!

  • Have your questions answered in real-time by attending one of our information sessions. 
  • Complete the Interest Form to gain access to our comprehensive calendar with information about upcoming information sessions. Information sessions are held via Zoom. 

Submit an Interest Form

Step 2: Create a UC TAP account

Log into your UC TAP account or create a new account at uctap.universityofcalifornia.edu

  • Complete the About me and My Academic History sections
  • In Support program involvement, check the AvenueE box under UC Davis Transfer Preparation Programs

UC  TAP Website



Plan for Success

Step 3: Develop a Comprehensive Educational Plan

Make an appointment with your counselor to develop a comprehensive education plan. 

Comprehensive Education Plans should map out your remaining coursework at community college showing your preparedness and ability to transfer to UC Davis in your designated major.


  • Verify your transfer courses on assist.org
  • Check-in regularly with your academic advisor to make sure you’re on track

Step 4: Contact Your Community College Liaison & TOP Advisor

Connect with your community college district AvenueE liaison and regularly review the Avenue CC calendar to stay current on workshops, site visits, tours, etc. 

Contact Your Community College Liaison

 Contact Your Transfer Opportunity Program Advisor

 AvenueE CC Calendar


Final Year at Community College

Step 5: Apply for an AvenueE CC Scholar Award

If you are planning to transfer in Fall 2025, complete the AvenueE Application during the Fall cycle by January 19, 2025 to be considered for a Scholarly Award of up to $1,000 during your last year at one of our partner community colleges.

Awarded students will be notified by February.

Scholar Award Form

Step 6: Upon Acceptance to UC Davis

Students are invited to reaffirm their application to AvenueE at UC Davis.

  • AvenueE will ask students to reaffirm their application for the limited cohort at UC Davis.  This will enable us to consider only students who still intend to transfer to Davis upon acceptance. AvenueE accepts 60 students per year who are enrolled at UC Davis.
  • Students will be able to view an application to AvenueE through the MyAdmissions website.
  • AveuneE applications will be due in May.

AvenueE Application 
